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Hello! I finally dared to finish this personal project and I feel mentally ready to show it now :)
Main inspiration has been "NATAAL" Magazine cover I randomly spotted in a Waterstone library back in 2018 when I was living in the UK.
Fell in love with the shot and the subject (Emmanuel Adjaye), took a couple of pictures and moved on from there! (but started this only sometime before the lockdown) and yes, when I walk around and see something stunning, I take pictures just for inspiration or to do some art out of it, eventually.
It is not a likeness per se, but the Magazine's photo had a huge influence on this job. No scans were used for the modeling.
I used Arnold render in Maya for the final result, hair done with xGen interactive, and used some xyz maps for the fine skin displacement.
I know the are tons of things that could be improved and refined... I'll take this as a learning lesson for the next one!
Thank you Camilla Guerrina for feeding me while I worked late hours on this (and for your precious feedbacks).